(949) 407-8904 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 23661 Birtcher Dr., Lake Forest, California, USA
(949) 407-8904 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 23661 Birtcher Dr., Lake Forest, California, USA

How is the Semiconductor Wafer Manufactured? (With Infographic)

Semiconductor wafers are the basic material for manufacturing electronic chips. The most important raw material for semiconductor integrated circuits is silicon, which is widely found in rocks and gravels in the form of silicates or silica in nature. The fabrication process of the semiconductor silicon wafer can be divided into three basic steps: silicon purification and refining, single-crystal silicon growth, and wafer formation. The following infographic is provided by Stanford Advanced Materials and describes the manufacturing process for semiconductor wafers.

infographic: manufacturing processes of slicon semiconductor wafer

Further Reading: P-type & N-type Silicon Semiconductors

Semiconductor wafer coating is very important to prolong its life and improve its performance. Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM) Corporation is a global supplier of various sputtering targets used in the semiconductor industry. Please visit https://www.sputtertargets.net/semiconductor-materials/ for more information.

About the author

Julissa Green graduated from the University of Texas studying applied chemistry. She started her journalism life as a chemistry specialist in Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM) since 2016 and she has been fascinated by this fast growing industry ever since. If you have any particular topics of interest, or you have any questions, you can reach her at julissa@samaterials.com.

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